The Manx Pub i Ottawa

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CanadaThe Manx Pub



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370, Elgin Street, K2P 1N1, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canadá
kontakter telefon: +1 613-231-2070
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Latitude: 45.4150231, Longitude: -75.6881037

kommentar 5

  • en

    Andrew H


    Great locations, tables were slightly too close. Zero privacy if the person next to you is not talking. No drink specials. The servers were very friendly and knowledgeable.

  • Justyne Smiley

    Justyne Smiley


    This place has great ambiance and the food is amazing, I usually get a special, tonight I had a pasta dish and my husband had the jerk chicken, both were very good. They also have a great list of local craft beers and lots of different seasonals. The beer my husband wanted was out but the waiter brought over a sample of something else for him to try which he ended up getting. Staff is great, definitely recommend this place for an intimate dinner or just for drinks with friends

  • Vincent Harvey

    Vincent Harvey


    Great little spot with great atmosphere, beers and food. I tried the "Lamb Curry Wrap" and it was worth it. If you like small independent pubs, that's the place. The service was perfect. Great Pub.

  • Tristan Cannon-Sherlock

    Tristan Cannon-Sherlock


    Having been here on multiple occasions now, the service is always fast and the wait staff are wonderful and friendly. The brunch is one of the best I’ve had in Ottawa, but make sure to get there as soon as they open to get a spot. The Soho breakfast is filling and well priced, and you have to try the secret hot sauce. A must try brunch place for anyone on Ottawa. Not to mention a cozy and inviting atmosphere.

  • en

    Derrick Simpson


    Very good food, I had the vegetarian spring rolls and they were very tasty. Very good selection of beer and cocktails as well. The atmosphere is very unique and something I was a fan of. Lighting is very dim and the pub is in a basement. Was very cozy and a good chill spot for a casual hangout. (should be noted that I went during the day)

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