Fauna i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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425, Bank Street, K2P 1Y7, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-563-2862
internet side: www.faunaottawa.ca
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Latitude: 45.4125349, Longitude: -75.6937159

kommentar 5

  • en

    Emil Poliakov


    Sigh... came up Fauna a few years ago for an anniversary and left quite disappointed... service was mediocre, the food was mediocre and they forgot half our order...we decided we're never going back but friends of ours booked us in so we figured we'd try it again... well this was even worse... everything on the menu is very expensive so it's hard to pick something...we finally chose the squab and what a huge mistake that was... first of all it took forever for the food to come out and the restaurant was half empty. Two of us could barely finish it and one of us had to return it - it was completely inedible because of the amounts of salt on everything and the "risotto" was basically raw rice. I finished my plate because I was hungry and am not usually in the habit of returning food but my mouth is now burning. My wife switched to the halibut and that was a little better. Definitely not going back!

  • Amanda Brennan

    Amanda Brennan


    The whole staff is friendly and welcoming. I sat at the bar and had excellent service from the bar tender. I highly recommend ordering a bartenders creation. He will ask you about what drinks you like and will make something unique catered to your likes. The food is also delicious. I had a couple of small plates and really enjoyed the mix of flavors. The menu rotates seasonally so I will definitely be back to try something new!

  • en

    Sebnem Madrali


    Relaxing and welcoming atmosphere. Food was great both presentation and taste wise. Service was attentive and polite... nice music choice; wish it was not as loud; which made it hard to carry out a conversation... would definelty recommend it...

  • Meaghan Piccolo

    Meaghan Piccolo


    The restaurant location is great and the restaurant itself has a great atmosphere with nice decor and a good aesthetic. The staff was friendly and attentive as well. We were seated immediately, they leave water on the table so you don't have to wait for them to refill it, but they still check on you anyway which is nice. The menu is very interesting with a lot of unique dishes and I love the approach of updating the menu seasonally. Unfortunately, I was really disappointed by the food. My burger was burnt on the outside and quite dry and to me personally, the flavors didn't quite mesh and my fries were very greasy and under salted. I feel like for a restaurant that charges this much, everything sent out of the kitchen should be impeccable and was thus further disappointed by my meal.

  • John Macnaughton

    John Macnaughton


    This was a fantastic meal, with multiple courses of interesting food. If you are planning on dining with them, I would make a reservation first, we were able to walk in but only because we were only 2 and early in the evening. Their wine list has a depth rarely seen even in high end restaurants. Their menu is more constrained, to provide the diner with a more controlled experience, and one can even opt for a sort of chefs choice meal. The food is definitely interesting, and the ingredients are used in unique ways, so unique in fact that it was difficult to verify that the opening course was what was ordered, and my dining companion and I simply shared to experience both dishes, still somewhat puzzled. This is high end food in an unpretentious atmosphere. Very pleasant.

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