James Street Pub i Ottawa

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CanadaJames Street Pub



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390, Bank Street, K2P 1Y5, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-565-4700
internet side: www.jamesstreet.pub
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.4130958, Longitude: -75.6946514

kommentar 5

  • Greg Beaton

    Greg Beaton


    A reliable spot for delectable pub fare; a bit on the noisier side, but with pleasant service and food that is a touch above what you'd usually expect from a pub. Well worth checking out!

  • en

    Greg Towers


    Awesome staff, great pub grub, and really cold beers. Can't wait for the best patio in downtown Ottawa to open. Lots of seating and misters to keep you cool in the warmest weather

  • Nashira G

    Nashira G


    Best patio in Ottawa! They even have cold misters for those really hot days. It's outside of the market so their prices are reasonable. The food is ok- it's mostly greasy bar fare so don't expect a gourmet experience. They're pretty nice here but service can get slow during a rush.

  • Andrew Barr

    Andrew Barr


    It's a rowdy sports bar. The food is average. The patio during the summer is awesome, but otherwise it's pretty average. They have live music on Thursdays which is excellent

  • Genevieve Thibault

    Genevieve Thibault


    Great place. Best wings in town. Waitresses are friendly and quick service. I have tried almost everything on the menu and everything is super yummy ans reasonably priced.

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