MacLaren's on Elgin i Ottawa

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CanadaMacLaren's on Elgin



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301, Elgin Street, K2P 2N9, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canadá
kontakter telefon: +1 613-236-2766
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.417154, Longitude: -75.6895757

kommentar 5

  • Chris Rivoire

    Chris Rivoire


    Very popular spot to play pool or to grab a drink and watch the game. They have tons of screens. This place can get packed. They do have a decent beer selection and the food is good for bar food.

  • Shawn Champagne

    Shawn Champagne


    Went for one my friend's 20th birthday party. Was a great place for a party! Is pretty crowded, but that's expected on a Saturday night. Food was good, service was great (too bad I can't remember my waiters name, probably the best waiter I've ever had serve me), didn't have to wait too long to play some good rounds of pool. Recommend for a good night out!

  • Oriana Santana

    Oriana Santana


    Nice place, good food but really really rude staff. Wouldn’t go back there because of the disrespectful service. Please train your employees to have good customer service.

  • Richard Vaughan

    Richard Vaughan


    An Evening of Fun Turns Into a Wild Chase!! We were looking forward to a great time at the local pool hall, but didn’t realize we were so unwelcome. I’ll begin by saying that all the tables are all in great shape and the area is sufficient for playing and hanging out around tables. However, if you want a drink, or any service of any sort, you had better be prepared to hunt down your server by yourself. We weren’t visited once at our pool table throughout the entire 5 hours we were at the bar. Every time we approached a server, asking for a drink, we were met with an unenthusiastic response and a commitment to avoid any potential for hospitality. It felt like a chore to get the attention of a waitress or bartender, and even more so to order a drink. Do they not want money at this establishment? If that is the case, I’d happily bring a 24 of beer into the back room myself and pay the pool table fee. I would feel more attended to by the cardboard beer box than the people who work here.

  • Jonathan Wafer Veillette

    Jonathan Wafer Veillette


    I've been here often with friends. Also, we have our Christmas party every year at this place. Never had any issues. There's a lot of pool tables, and the place is huge. Lot of space for large groups. The staff is really friendly, take the time to explain their menu. Minor issues are when it's really busy, the service is getting a little bit slower and the prices are little bit higher compared to other places around. Overall, great for casual night with friends or large groups.

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