Parliament Pub i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaParliament Pub



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101, Sparks Street, K1P 5T9, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-563-0636
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4221377, Longitude: -75.6975329

kommentar 5

  • Justin McAuley

    Justin McAuley


    This is a great place to go, especially in the summer. Their patio is fantastic!

  • R Pur

    R Pur


    Terrible place. Wish they can provide better food and service at this prime location.

  • JS Stark

    JS Stark


    Terribly expensive for the quality of the food. Very friendly waitress though.

  • Lorenzo Coscarelli

    Lorenzo Coscarelli


    15 dollars for a terrible hot dog with no condiments (they ran out ) , 10 chips and water. Disgusting price gouging. The government can't figure out that we need more than one food vendor. Sad.

  • Thomas Leboeuf

    Thomas Leboeuf


    I was surprised at how bad it was here. It cost me 28$ for a beer served in a plastic cup, a dry and bland chicken sandwich with a tasteless sad salad with a balsamic vinegrette made with the cheapest ingredients out there! Service was ok although when they ask how it was and I just said it was o.k., they did not say or do anything.

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