South Block Whiskey Bar i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaSouth Block Whiskey Bar



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148, Sparks Street, K1B 5B6, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-235-1424
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Latitude: 45.4220349, Longitude: -75.6990395

kommentar 5

  • Steve S

    Steve S


    A fine selection of spirits for the discerning taster. The owners are knowledgeable and love to talk about single malts. Come for a old fashion, leave a friend.

  • Akran Fantome

    Akran Fantome


    My wife and I, we are very pleased to have found such a good restaurant and bar, good ambiance.

  • Chris Chase

    Chris Chase


    Good beer selection, including a lot of local stuff. I haven't tried a lot of their food, but what I've had has been good.

  • Ozgur Cinar

    Ozgur Cinar


    I don't have any idea why this place has still opened ? It's kinda nasty place , terrible service, disgusting food and drink. And you will get bonus some discrimination and racist attitudes. You can find lots of good bar around . This place is kind of joke

  • en

    Jessica McGregor


    The service was absolutely terrible. We got there at 6:30PM and sat with no drinks for a long time.. only two cutlery servings came for a table of 8 we didn't get food for an 1 1/2 , two people orders never even came. The place was not overly busy, it could have all been handled a lot better and it was not. They offered to give us shots for compensation and those never came either. I do not recommend this place at all unless you want to wait a very long time for food and drink. The food is good tasting but not worth the wait time.

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