The Blurry Pixel i Ottawa

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CanadaThe Blurry Pixel



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201, Queen Street, K1P 5C9, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1
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Latitude: 45.4210075, Longitude: -75.7005063

kommentar 5

  • Jacky-Lulu G

    Jacky-Lulu G


    I love the Blurry Pixel, the staff is friendly, the games are wonderful, and you know it's safe because you never go alone to a bar like this. I go with a group of my friends all the time (and kick their *** at Mario Kart) the French fries are the star of their menu, they are fried to a crispy outershell and pillowy soft potato insides. The gaming drinks are wonderful, there is a Zelda inspired one that my friends and I LOVE. Its get for nostalgia, food and friends. Be sure to book a game system if you are going Friday or Saturday though. That is when they are most busy and it will be hard to get a game otherwise.

  • en

    Sabrina Phoenix


    Great selection of themed drinks and regular beverages. The menu is a perfect size and is absolutely delicious! Selection of games is great and the overall atmosphere is very relaxed and welcoming. Lovely establishment!

  • en

    Dax Gill


    Amazing experience. First time there and the employees were great. Service was great. Atmosphere was great. Ot wasn't until we left that we found out they were short staffed. Couldn't tell! They did a great job!

  • Meaghan Piccolo

    Meaghan Piccolo


    I really love the Blurry Pixel. I wasn't wowed on my first trip, but it offers something unique with reasonable prices and a very friendly staff. They have a great selection of games and enough systems that unless it's super busy, you should be able to get one and if you can't, they have a number of board games available to play while you wait. The food isn't 5 star dining by any means, but it's cheap and tasty. The drink selection is decent and priced alright, though I find the mixed drinks a bit hit or miss personally. But what really sets it apart is the vibe. It's just so upbeat and pleasant, everyone is always friendly and easy to interact with. If you enjoy video games and drinking with your friends, definitely check it out.

  • Mina



    The drinks are amazing. They're delicious, they're fun looking and for the most part they're all named after various nerd-things (qui-gin for example). The staff is really nice and they're always willing to work with you on a drink idea or offer ideas for newbies. It isn't the biggest bar however and there's a real parking problem, the closest parking garage is about 10 minutes away (the closest I know of anyway) and it of course costs money. The drinks and food themselves aren't that expensive though. Good little place!

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