The Lieutenant's Pump i Ottawa

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CanadaThe Lieutenant's Pump



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361, Elgin Street, K2P 1M9, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-238-2949
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4154704, Longitude: -75.6879865

kommentar 5

  • J. B

    J. B


    I've been coming here for over 15 years and it rarely, if ever, disappoints. The food is surprisingly good, consistent, and fairly priced. The service is great and you can tell that staff enjoy working here. John, the owner, is always milling about and really on top of things. The place is clean, nicely lit, and there're lots of cozy corners, little alcoves and back rooms that make this a good date spot or place to watch the game. An excellent place, day or night.

  • Matthew Hall

    Matthew Hall


    A good bar and overall experience whenever I've gone except the last time. I'm a medical cannabis patient and so I'm legally allowed to carry my medication anywhere in Canada. The bouncer wanted to deny me entry because it was in my pocket. Please educate your staff on legalities and procedure when dealing with such cases. A person with a prescription bottle of pills wouldn't be denied so neither should other people with their medicine.

  • en

    Sarah Lamoureux


    Beyond impressed, we had a party of 25 and never once did our server leave us hanging. They were always there with water, drinks, and super efficient with food orders. Will definitely come back for large group gatherings, thank you!! 🙌

  • Kendra Mackey

    Kendra Mackey


    A good spot for a drink on any night, but especiallu a Friday or Saturday night. Saturday night is usually busier but the music is just as good as Friday. Good music if you like dancing and lots of bars and seating if you want to chill with friends. No cover and the line isn't usually too bad. The crowd here is a little bit older than the market and always friendly. They have a patio that is open in the spring/summer months. I always have a good time here

  • en

    Anthony Dinh Tran


    Great place to spend the weekends. Love how they have multiple bars to serve drinks all around. I believe they have 4 bars and a dance floor that plays a little bit of everything. Drinks are fairly priced and better yet, there's no cover! Come before 11:30pm though or there will be a line up and it can take a while to get in!

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