Fat Albert's i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaFat Albert's



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245, Laurier Avenue West, K1P 5M8, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-695-6966
internet side: fatalberts.ca
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Latitude: 45.4195863, Longitude: -75.696871

kommentar 5

  • en

    Dennis Borynec


    6 block walk to get there from my office. Waited 30 minutes for a sub. Walked back to office. They messed up the sub, wrong bread, wrong ingredients. Couldn't eat it. Walked back threw the sub on the counter and asked for my money back. If you're going to have someone wait a half an hour at least get their order right. I'm done.

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    Ian McLaughlin


    The subs are awesome but ever since the minimum wage hike they seem to be understaffed. Expect to wait if you show up when they're busy.

  • Daniel Carlyle

    Daniel Carlyle


    Visiting from out of town, thought this would be a cool sports bar to get a bite and have a beer. I ordered a Tuna Melt on brown bread, not a crazy request. The Tuna "Melt" came cold (the waitress said I ordered the cold version, I did not, and the bill attested to this) and it came on white bread. It had no sauce. It was dry flaked tuna on an tasteless white bun with old lettuce. The server was very unapologetic, pretty lame. To be honest, I was actually expecting to get sick from eating here. I don't usually write bad reviews unless I really, really, really had a bad experience.

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    Kevin Rogers


    All round positive experience. Great service, cheap beers, average food.

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    Justin Therrien-Guillemette


    Old dry bread Sub was so dry I had to drink water to wash it down...barely any sauce. I asked for hot sauce or any side sauce to give the sub some taste to it and make it less dry. The server tells me it's 50 cents for sauce. I have never heard of restaurants charging for sauce on a sub. It was pretty much just dry bread lots of old lettuce and 2 slices of tomatoes that tasted like nothing. Waste of money. And slow service. Forgot our order had to come back to ask what we ordered and forgot to being the bill. Just not a good experience and seems like quality and freshness is not on their menu judging by other reviews

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