Hooley's Pub i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaHooley's Pub



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292, Elgin Street, K2P 1M3, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-231-3888
internet side: www.hooleyspub.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.4167337, Longitude: -75.6895425

kommentar 5

  • en

    Omar R.


    Went here for the first time today. Had the $0.49 wing special had 5 pounds and they were delicous. 3 stars because the waitress wasn't that nice. I'd go again for the wings not the service.

  • JeanPatrick La Forge

    JeanPatrick La Forge


    Super frat boy vibe. In fact I met a bunch of douchy frat boys. Overall though the vibe was good, the drinks were cheap and I was living.

  • en

    Dale Brown


    The absolute best place to be on Fridays! $4 glasses of beer, and $5 APPETIZERS LET'S GOOOO!! But seriously. Get the calamari rings, they will blow your mind. If you're vegetarian/vegan, opt for nachos ALSO ONLY $5

  • Myriam Chabot

    Myriam Chabot


    Ils sont très strictes sur les règles! Gare a vous si on vous surprend a boire dans la rue avant d'entrer! Vous pourriez trouver votre soirée longue! Bon endroit pour danser!

  • fr

    Gracia Djokouehi


    Au moment de la réservation, personne n'a dis qu'il fallait des ID et que la nourriture se terminait à 21h. C'est sur place que j'ai eu la mauvaise surprise

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