Connor's Gaelic Pub i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaConnor's Gaelic Pub



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313, Bank Street, K2P 1X9, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canadá
kontakter telefon: +1 613-234-9640
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4146147, Longitude: -75.6955709

kommentar 5

  • en

    Joel D


    Great Burgers good music decent drinks a very light atmosphere and you feel nice and welcome never problems with other customers can be loud at times but that's expected from a pub. I always eat here when I have a little extra money kicking around it would be the place I always go to in that time. Highly recommended to at least try and and you'll probably be pleasantly surprised at how well you feel just being there and the food is good and there's a high selection. Two thumbs up for sure!

  • Anastasiya Voloshyn

    Anastasiya Voloshyn


    Tasty and reasonable priced food! The service was a little slow at the time we went as there was only one waitress, but the food was worth the wait.

  • en

    Gary Warwick


    I was really surprised. I've passed the restaurant a thousand times and barely noticed it was there. Decided to try it and had a great meal. It's not necessarily big inside so it can fill up quickly but it wasn't noisy at all. I'm going to recommend to my friends and colleagues to make this a regular stop.

  • es

    Eva Gabriela Ruiz Vega


    Muy buena atención. Tienen promociones diario y puedes ver partidos de fútbol o cualquier deporte. Tienen wifi :) buen lugar para relajarse y tomar una cerveza

  • es

    Gabriela De la Rosa Vargas


    La mesera fue muy amable con nosotros y nos explico sus promociones, vi la champions ahí y todo estuvo muy bien. La comida y las bebidas 👍

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