Deacon Brodies Pub i Ottawa

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CanadaDeacon Brodies Pub



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247, Elgin Street, K2P 0G1, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-236-6464
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Latitude: 45.4184914, Longitude: -75.6907103

kommentar 5

  • en

    Anne Griffith


    A friend and I dropped in for a pint and decided to try the "Bannock & Naan with Dips". We probably should have just stuck with the beer b/c this appetizer was a complete waste of money.. A few sliced up pieces of naan breed and random pieces of Scottish bannock bread in the mix was extremely disappointing. The duo dips were not much better consisting of a bowl of tasteless hummus and another bowl of mushed up carrots and ginger are far from impressive. Maybe I am being too harsh, but this bad experience wouldn't have me rushing back to try other dishes on the menu.

  • Gib



    I dropped into Deacon Brodies for a Saturday lunch and thoroughly enjoyed myself. I ordered the fish and chips which were very good - flaky haddock, crispy batter, tasty fries and a carrot mash with a hint of cinnamon (perhaps it was the Scottish Colcannon - I suppose i should have asked); and a nice, cold I&G original. Service was friendly and fast, and prices were affordable. A nice looking pub, worthy of a return visit.

  • en

    Larisa Akhmedova


    This is a great place to stop for a lunch in downtown. The burgers are delicious and the service is quick and courteous. Even when a little misunderstanding with the order happened it was promptly resolved and I left the place a happy customer.

  • Rob Harvey

    Rob Harvey


    Love Deacon Brodies. Went for Burns lunch. Great entertainment and food. Had the haggis, it comes with a shot of Scotch. The make the best Caesars in town and have an extensive array of whiskies. In my opinion, it's the best value for money on Elgin Street.

  • fr

    Almin Delig


    Le pire hamburger frites que je n'ai jamais mangé. Dommage car le service esr rapide et courtois, choix de bierres varié, mais arriver au plat, quelle déception. La viande du hamburger est tout simplement infame, aucun goût de boeuf, le steack haché se rapproche plus d'une saveur de saucices 1er prix et je passe sur les frites surgelées bas de gamme. Bref pour 14 dollars on aurait bien mieux mangé chez mac do. A éviter.

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