Victoria Hyundai i Victoria

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CanadaVictoria Hyundai



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525, Gorge Road East, V8T 2W5, Victoria, Capital, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 877-532-2024
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Latitude: 48.4400681, Longitude: -123.3727882

kommentar 5

  • en

    Margaret Sawyer


    I would like to say how painless buying a new vehicle has been at Victioria Hyundai. Lance was amazing. No pressure. They worked with my budget and enabled me to buy a beautiful new Kona. Everything was explained in great detail to enabled me to make informed decisions. I am one happy customer and would have no problems recommending their dealership in particular Lance, to my friends and family....Thank you Lance and Tristan!!

  • kyla crouch

    kyla crouch


    Jared, Graham, and Erika: thank you! Jared and Graham are exceptional from the start to finish. Your pricing is transparent and you were beyond fair with the trade-in value. You had my car set up with apple car play, you put my plates on for me and moved my personal belongings from car-to-car even. Erika thanks for making the paperwork understandable and Efficient and you even had the insurance person ready for me. Having worked with both Hyundai dealerships on the South Island in the last few years, I can guarantee victoria Hyundai should be your choice for your next purchase. I appreciate all you did for me. I look forward to purchasing another car from this family run business again in the future.

  • sean graves

    sean graves


    Went in for a used car sale and met with a nice sales guy (Josh Rockwell). After examination the vehicle, found many dings, major damage to the front bumper and broken venting inside. Made them an offer of a couple grand less. Andrew, the sales manager comes out and proceeded to berate me about how that isn't a good enough offer. It was an extremely high pressure sale on the price point they had. Wouldn't move even a thousand bucks. I was thoroughly displeased by the entire experience. *UPDATE* I spoke with Jody and I have to say it was a much better experience. I ended up feeling better about the price that we ended up at given that they're agreeing to several repairs that had to happen. Ultimately we find it wasn't the car for us but still will give more stars for the better experience.

  • en

    Victoria Salt


    Amazing staff! As a first time buyer I didn’t feel the normal dealership sales push. Every need was met, I’m very happy with my purchase and I’m excited for my future services and purchases. Josh, Bruce, Mindi and my insurance rep gave great service from start to finish! Management was super friendly as well!

  • en

    Jon Cawsey


    From the moment I walked into Victoria Hyundai I felt comfortable. I didn't get your normal salesperson pressure and was given ample space to explore the vehicles on my own. I met with a salesman to discuss a possible purchase and go over my position and what specifically I was looking for. After several attendances, calls and emails I felt that we were close to a deal. I brought my family in and we ended up making a purchase. Everyone from the salesman to the manager who was walking the floor was friendly and welcoming. I would encourage everyone to pay them a visit.

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