Three Point Motors - Victoria i Victoria

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CanadaThree Point Motors - Victoria



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2546, Government Street, V8T 4P7, Victoria, Capital, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 250-385-6737
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.4371708, Longitude: -123.367625

kommentar 5

  • mingnew40



    I'm always helped by the same young man who does a great job helping me with my car.

  • Lorne Moore

    Lorne Moore


    Thank you for your response to the erratic driving. It was a dark coloured suv, male driver. I'm unaware of the license plate. I appreciate your time and looking into the matter.

  • en

    Andrew McLeod


    Took my sprinter to see the team at Three Point. Greg met me with a smile and taught me a whole bunch of new things about my sprinter. They really took the time to make sure I had a great experience and were very knowledgeable. They even helped me replace a part that wasn't covered under warranty, at no charge!

  • Bianca Graham

    Bianca Graham


    I have an endless list of terrible customer service experiences from Three Point Mercedes. Also, I'm dealing with a manufacturing defect that they won't fix. Tried going through Three Point, then to Mercedes head office, then to their Western Canada Manager. Every single person is rude and not willing to help in a situation where its their fault. If you like not helping people, being rude and offering zero customer service, you should definitely work here! **Attention Scott** In response to your reply: I'm not sure that you are aware of what is actually happening here. I tried to call you today but you were unavailable. - The issue here, which is related to a MANUFACTURER DEFECT was only discovered in July of 2017. - Any issue I had prior to July 2017 was always paid for by me, as I fully understand that there is a cost to maintaining my vehicle. Which was, by the way, fully serviced by Mercedes since I purchased it in 2006-2015. - I am also fully aware that there is no warranty on this car. And I'm sure that you are fully aware that a warranty has nothing to do with a manufacturer defect. - I have every single piece of paperwork related to the vehicle since 2006, and in 2010 there was already damage to the car as a result of the defect. I'm not asking for any favours here. This is very black and white. I have a car I cannot drive due to a defect and it's the responsibility of Mercedes to fix this. Mercedes needs to do the right thing. Are you willing to do the right thing?

  • account broker

    account broker


    I entered your dealership at approx 1:30 on Sunday July 30, 2017. Salesman was busy with some people, talked to me while I went into showroom. He said he was busy, would be with me shortly when he finished up with these people. Appropriate. I walked around the showroom, then out to the sales lot while waiting for him, I was looking for a larger SUV type vehicle which has some towing capacity. It was about 30 minutes I had waited while he was with the others, on many occasions I looked to them and the salesman was on his cell phone, I was thinking this may be a little frustrating for those people. I saw him finish up and say good by to them, I was still outside. We talked a little of what I was looking for, and I told him I was most interested in the red SUV inside the showroom, nice vehicle with larger towing capacity. We were walking in side when he stopped as I walked up to the vehicle. I looked back and he had stopped, was again talking on his cell phone. After many minutes he came to me and we talked a little from outside the vehicle, as I opened the door, he pulled his cell phone out again and talked again for some time, I was getting frustrated at this point. He then came back to me after some time again and by now I had a lot of questions regarding the features inside this nice vehicle, as we were talking while I was sitting inside the car, he again pulled his cell phone and walked away from me, leaving me inside as he walked outside the showroom talking on his cell phone. After about 5 minutes I simply left as he was laughing and talking outside to someone on his phone. Question ? Is this standard operating procedure for salesman at your dealership ? I have a lot of money, and will not be making a purchase after being treated so rude by your staff.

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