Forward Auto Gallery i Victoria

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CanadaForward Auto Gallery



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746, Caledonia Avenue, V8T 1E5, Victoria, Capital, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 250-383-9000
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.4313931, Longitude: -123.3624783

kommentar 5

  • en



    Honest reasonable , I have had my BMW repairs done here for the last 6 years . I would not go anywhere else .I have total trust in this business . I have never had a problem with their repairs .

  • Petra



    Purchased a used vehicle from Forward Auto and had a great experience. I would recommend Forward Auto in a heart beat! In particular Dana was very friendly, knowledgable and honest in our interactions. Being a first time purchaser, and not terribly familiar with cars, I was nervous at first but was quickly put at ease when Dana and his team proved to be both trustworthy and reliable. When a couple minor issues cropped up post-purchase he quickly and efficiently ensured they were fixed and that I was satisfied with the vehicle.

  • Ernest Warnielius

    Ernest Warnielius


    If you are looking for an honest shop to take your beloved vehicle, look no further. I have been using Forward Automotive for years now, having been to many of the shops in town that work on BMWs with mixed results. Gary at Forward has always treated me fairly. The lot is always crammed with cars and in a state of organized chaos, because many people feel the same way and are loyal customers. I thank you Gary, as does my aging Bimmer. P.S. Tio (other reviewer) something does not ring true here. You need to call Gary and get the whole story. Gary is one of the best mechanics in this city and an honest business person.

  • en

    Forward Automotive


    Hi This is gary I see a poor review written by a person whom I have never worked for or spoken to. I think this 964 that is he bought was one used as a race car for several seasons after the engine work was done about 17 years ago so alot has transpired without my input. yours gary

  • David Rifat

    David Rifat


    Excellent service Knowledgeable diagnostician. Garry is pleasant and Caring. I have and would recommend Garry for any one requiring satisfactory car service.

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