Graham Kia Victoria i Victoria

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CanadaGraham Kia Victoria



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2620, Government Street, V8T 4P8, Victoria, Capital, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 855-291-4277
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Latitude: 48.437821, Longitude: -123.3677937

kommentar 5

  • Carey Pollock

    Carey Pollock


    I was looking for a certain SUV and it happened to pop up on the KIA lot even though it wasn’t a KIA model. I was instantly taken care of by Nelson to set up a test drive and look at the Carproof reports etc. He was very professional, not pushy at all and gave me all the facts. The process was seamless and I felt no pressure what so ever! The whole team at KIA are very welcoming and nice. I bought that SUV that was on the lot and couldn’t be happier!! They are an excellent team. Even going above and beyond to get an extra key for my vehicle at no cost to me. I would gladly recommend KIA to anyone and I hope to deal with them again in the future. Thank you KIA!

  • Peter Desaulniers

    Peter Desaulniers


    We recently purchased our second vehicle Graham Kia. Both experiences were pleasant. The staff was friendly, helpful, and pressure free. The vehicles have been excellent. I’ve found that Kia’s come with plenty of extras and great value for the price points

  • en

    Diana Kirkwood


    All of the staff at Grahm Kia were knowledgeable, friendly, and professional . There was no pressure to purchase a vehicle at any time and they were able to answer my questions succinctly without having to look up the information. I drove away with exactly the car I wanted and at no time did the salesmen try to talk me into the higher end model. I was very happy with their services and look forward to working with them in the future.

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    toni o


    If you wander into their used car lot for sure you will be noticed where a sales man introducing himself will enquire your interest. Questions will reveal your intentions so a more precise service can be proceeded. That's my experience with KIA motors. Nice cars.

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    Meghan Bishop


    Our experience with Graham Kia since 2013 has been nothing short of terrible customer service. Our family vehicle has never missed a service, we take care of our vehicles, without much help from the Kia service Department. Twice now, during routine services, we have been told our tires and brakes are fine, no need to replace, and within weeks of having the service once we discovered our tires had worn so bare wires had begun to show, and another our brakes needed replacing to the point, oh look, now we need to pay for rotors. I chalked it up to, oh all service centers are like that, maybe they missed it, the usual. Until this past Friday, when a staff member at Kia damaged our car, and now Graham Kia is refusing to pay for the damages. Our driver door lock was broken, stuck in the lock position. Frustrating as it is to have to unlock from the passenger side alone, but because they are power locks, and it's stuck in "lock" you have all of two seconds to open the door before the locks re-engage. Making it impossible to access any other doors, including the trunk If you are alone with the vehicle (by the way Kia, in general, who's genius idea was it to build a car that doesn't have a key entry to the hatch?!). In our case, we have children and trying to wrangle children, groceries, backpacks, all of the above with a broken lock is nothing short of impossible. We've spoken to multiple people at the dealership, and taken it to head office and formed a formal complaint, and they still say they won't help us, only offering to pay 50% of the damages. I find it completely unacceptable you won't take responsibility for the actions caused, and will be warning anyone and everyone about the service we have received at your dealership.

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