FIAT of Victoria i Victoria

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaFIAT of Victoria



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2555, Government Street, V8T 4P6, Victoria, Capital, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 250-590-8128
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.437285, Longitude: -123.366724

kommentar 5

  • simona moda

    simona moda


    Get that chip off your shoulder! At least "pretend" you care.... We brought our car in for service a few times at the Fiat Victoria, old and new location and my husband and I always found an unattentive and uncaring receptionist ( the one yesterday was on social media while talking to my husband) and subpar customer service. Not only they act like they don't particularly care, they have a chip on their shoulder, they don't even wash your car after a service. A kind gesture that most dealerships offer to their clients. At least on mondays and Tuesdays because they are short staffed they say. Really.? Aren't you part of the GAIN family? If you want to have your car washed after a service you need to go on a Saturday. In all an annoying experience all the ways. We will go back to Chrysler for service where we feel more appreciated rather than a burden. The manager Anthony seems nice enough but he has some training to do in customer care.

  • coastlinelivingphotography laura bryant

    coastlinelivingphotography laura bryant


    My daughter and I have been looking for a Fiat for a while now, and we finally found the perfect car at Fiat of Victoria! We feel that we got a great deal thanks to Barry, Caitlin and Kody! Thanks Guys..such an awesome, honest and helpful staff

  • en

    Matt Easton


    These guys were very professional, courteous and honest. My wife and I purchased a '14 Grand Caravan for our growing family and we have to say it was the BEST experience either of us had ever had with a dealership. Cheers specifically to Ken and Jesse. You guys knocked it out of the park!

  • Andy Entchev

    Andy Entchev


    When I inquired online about a Giulia, I was contacted by several dealerships in the surrounding area. Without question, Alfa Romeo of Victoria stood out above the rest, with their prompt communication and extreme professionalism. Jesse was quick to get me whatever answers I needed and made the sales process a breeze. I would describe it as a "no BS" experience - it's really refreshing to be able to hammer out a deal over email without being pressured to come into the dealership. My experience with Ken was just as great. Test driving the car was an exciting and unforgettable experience. It was a huge factor in making the final decision. Ken really knows how to handle performance cars and his passion for this industry is very clear & genuine. I haven't had any experience with the Service department yet, but based on what I've seen so far, I suspect they will meet & exceed my expectations.

  • en



    I would recommend any family, friends or anyone to buy a vehicle with FIAT - Alfa Romeo of Victoria dealership. The customer service was fabulous, Ken Dinnadge is kind, funny, passionate about cars & quality of care. I bought a Honda that was traded-in for a FIAT and I could not be happier with the attention to detail and quality. Thanks again Ken & Jesse! Loving my new SUV :) - Britney

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