Ina Motors i Victoria

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaIna Motors



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2224, Douglas Street, V8T 4L5, Victoria, Capital, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 778-433-0343
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.433903, Longitude: -123.3652153

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sue Twa


    Great staff and vehicle selection. Braden was very helpful. Entire staff were pleasant and knowledgeable. We love our new truck !!

  • en

    Katherine Lim


    Julien was incredibly patient and helpful in assisting us to find a replacement for our aging vehicle. He took the time to understand our needs and go through the available vehicles with us in detail. Through multiple test drives he remained positive about finding the right solution for us. Closing details were easy and pleasant to negotiate. Overall, we would highly recommend the service and experience from Ina Motors.

  • Richard Falcon

    Richard Falcon


    Just bought a Mazda 3 from these guys and was an absolute pleasure. Extremely fair, and honest staff. Would highly recommend them to anyone looking for a reliable dealership that goes over and beyond. Huge thumbs up! Ask for Julien he will look after you.

  • en

    Steve M


    Bought a 2013 F-350. Everybody was very professional and valued my time. Sale was expedited and insurance people came right away. The truck has been great and has had no surprises. Would definitely buy another vehicle from Ina again.

  • en

    Nathan Rondeau


    Experience was great. Finance dept and salesperson were easy to deal with and straight forward. I was not 100% sure about my ability to get approved financing but Cole made it easy and at a reasonable rate.

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