ThimbleCakes i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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369, Bank Street, K2P 1Y2, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-695-0109
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.414021, Longitude: -75.694957

kommentar 5

  • Oriana Ngabirano

    Oriana Ngabirano


    Wow. So tasty and lots of vegan options 👏👏👏 Amazing chocolate cake and brownie 😍😍

  • Yoshuna



    Great cakes and amazing customer service! The shop decor is also very nice.

  • David Lewis

    David Lewis


    Tasty cupcakes and quality drinks. Appeases both vegan and "normal" people. 😉

  • en

    Jj J


    It was a very beautiful rose design cake that I had ordered. The chocolate love flavour is awesome. Everyone in the party loved it and said it taste like a brownie. The icing is very light and not so sugary and heavy that it compliments the brownie. The cake was so addicting. They were able to write what you want on the cake on sugar labels or they have beautiful cake toppers you can rent or buy. They also have pretty pedestals you can rent which is so convenient for me. My only problem was that I asked for a pink ombre cake just like the one on their display but I just got a pink cake. Maybe they forgot to write it down or forgot to do it. Mistakes happen and I couldn't give them 4 stars just for that. Their cake is that good. I have been recommending my coworkers to go there. Just fyi it tastes better at room temperature than right out of the fridge.

  • en

    A Thiru


    Great service and cater to all types of food restrictions. Cupcakes are the perfect icing to cake ratio and the texture always tastes fresh. So good!

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