Vie Bella i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaVie Bella


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87, Sparks Street, K1P 5K9, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-230-0666
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4225783, Longitude: -75.6976338

kommentar 5

  • Timbovilla 7

    Timbovilla 7


    Stopped here for a quick coffee which was very good.

  • en

    Nicole In VanCity


    Man at checkout barely acknowledged me when I was speaking, said I was given cutlery but none received. I had to walk all the way back to get a spoon for my yogurt, after asking him TWICE before I left if it was in the bag. I didn't feel like my business was appreciated and I would not return.

  • Celine Lavoie

    Celine Lavoie


    Great people, atmosphere, and delicious food. All at a wonderful low price, as well.

  • The Scenic Route

    The Scenic Route


    We stopped at this spot randomly while waiting for a tour of the Parliament buildings. I must say, I'm so impressed with the food! My boyfriend got a Montreal smoked turkey sandwich and I got an egg, ham and cheese croissant. Yummy! Plus the prices were pretty decent as well. Staff was friendly but not over the top nice. They lost a star for their extreme lack of seating.

  • Annick McNeil

    Annick McNeil


    I love Vie Bella. The owners are so nice and the food is always good.

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