Aux Delices Boulangerie-Ptssr i Ottawa

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CanadaAux Delices Boulangerie-Ptssr



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32, Byward Market Square, K1N 7A2, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-241-9292
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Latitude: 45.4277022, Longitude: -75.692934

kommentar 5

  • Jazmine Khan

    Jazmine Khan


    Honestly I would love to give this place a higher rating but all three things I got were lacklustre. The carrot cake had no flavour and was much too crunchy. The chocolate sache? Sashe? Cake was terrible. Grainy. The lemon cheesecake cups were okay but there was barely any cheesecake in them! The twist in a cup was nice. And so was the girl at the counter. Not worth our 20$.

  • Gabrielle Tayag

    Gabrielle Tayag


    Wonderful assortment of pies, cakes, cookies and pastries. The strawberry rhubarb pie was a hit at Thanksgiving!

  • Val V

    Val V


    Fantastic quality gingerbread. Cute and unique designs. Good service. Somewhat pricy.

  • en

    Blake Thibault


    been coming here for years, the owner always recognizes his regulars and chit chats, the buttercream horns are always a good bet, their truffles are really good and the bread makes for really tasty sandwiches

  • Sean Kelly

    Sean Kelly


    Lovely assortment of cakes, cookies and various breads. Also Ice cream and gluten-free options. They sell their day olds for a reduced price. Friendly staff and a great place in the market.

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