Golden Baguette Bakery i Ottawa

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CanadaGolden Baguette Bakery



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242, Bank Street, K2P 1X4, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-235-3838
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Latitude: 45.416355, Longitude: -75.6974384

kommentar 5

  • Ian Giesbrecht

    Ian Giesbrecht


    The stir fry takeaways are great. You won't find a better value downtown for lunch.

  • Alex MacLellan

    Alex MacLellan


    I go here about once per week and have noticed this place has a regular following of customers whom the staff recognize when they come in, which is always a good sign for a business. Good selection of bread and some Chinese/Vietnamese takeout. Everything is very reasonably priced. I bought a loaf of whole wheat bread and a supper-sized portion of black bean chicken for about $8.00 total. PS: They only take cash.

  • Janet Bufton

    Janet Bufton


    We decided we wanted a fresh loaf of bread sort of late in the afternoon on a Saturday and all the trendy spots (Art-Is-In, Bread & Sons, Bread by Us) were closed or sold out. Turns out that was great news, as otherwise we might not have stopped by Golden Baguette. They still had lots of fresh (even warm!) loaves available, in addition to tasty looking cookies and pastries. A baguette was $2.25 and most loaves looked like they were around $2.50, really reasonable. The staff was super friendly, and I learned that they also have some broadly Chinese/Vietnamese take-out available, too. And the baguette was very nice! A great little spot that I'm sure we'll be back to.

  • Sean Kelly

    Sean Kelly


    Not only is this a nice little bakery downtown, they also serve take-out Asian cuisine. I wasn't a fan of the Pad Thai, but the Shanghai Noodle dish is my default go-to for a quick and easy lunch downtown. The prices are lower than anything else I've seen downtown. Be aware that they only take cash.

  • David Ryan

    David Ryan


    Delicious freshly baked goods. Personal and extremely friendly service. Can't beat the breakfast bagel sandwiches.

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