Boko Bakery i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaBoko Bakery



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280, Elgin Street, K2P 1M2, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-230-2656
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.4174092, Longitude: -75.69012

kommentar 5

  • Jordan HA

    Jordan HA


    Very cute bakery. Staff was very kind and cookies were delicious

  • Mary Zhao

    Mary Zhao


    Loooooooove this bakery we stumbled upon accidentally. The sugar cookies are all so funny or cute. Beware that these are sugar cookies... not stingy on the sugar mind you. But it's delicious. So bring a toothbrush and enjoy!

  • Sarah Finlayson

    Sarah Finlayson


    I always stop by when I'm in the area to check out which characters are on the cookies this time. Their special candy bar cookies are excellent. Chocolate croissants are a fav too. There is usually some kind of deal like buy 6 get one free. Cash and debit only.

  • Meaghan Piccolo

    Meaghan Piccolo


    Boko bakery is a small bakery that does a variety of cookies and treats, including a rotation of cookies decorated with fun, often season images. It is unfortunately very small with no area to sit down and is often a bit difficult to navigate when even slightly busy. The staff usually keeps to themselves, but are helpful if needed.

  • Debbie Lu

    Debbie Lu


    One of my absolute FAVOURITE places in Ottawa. I always buy box of cookies and bring home with me every time I visit. My favourite is the s‘ more cookie and any of their sugar cookies are amazing! It’s definitely a must-try. I will update with a photo next time because I already finished all my cookies!

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