Second Avenue Sweets i Ottawa

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CanadaSecond Avenue Sweets



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151A, Second Avenue, K1S 2H6, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-233-7277
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4036217, Longitude: -75.6893208

kommentar 5

  • Joseph Federico

    Joseph Federico


    SAS is our "go to" for cakes. Delicious, dependable, and consistent quality. A great neighbourhood bakery. The French chocolate cake is always a hit!

  • Michael Wong

    Michael Wong


    This has been a a go-to bakery for numerous family events (including my own wedding). Their flourless chocolate cake is creamy, rich, and delicious (pro-tip: slice it a bit smaller than a normal slice of cake due to its decadence). The tuscan tea cake is also a personal favourite of mine - very moist. I prefer their full-sized cakes versus their cupcakes due to the full-cakes higher cake to icing ratio.

  • Meghan C

    Meghan C


    We love this bakery for bread and the occasional sweet treat. The bread is hands down the best in the city. The cupcakes are best at room temperature, and they can vary from ok to perfection. The vanilla is ok, all the chocolate type cupcakes are amazing. The chocolate orange Florentines are to die for. I usually pick up these to surprise hostesses, and they always get rave reviews! The brownies are also amazing. Things we don't love... we ordered a vanilla buttercream cake but weren't huge fans, it was very dense and heavy, and the icing a little bland... the carrot (spice) cake is ok. The staff is always very friendly and overall we love this little shop!

  • Kathleen McPhee

    Kathleen McPhee


    Best loaf of bread I have ever bought in Ottawa! Soft, chewy, not too light or dense, with a lovely crust. Perfect for sandwiches and toast.

  • Francisco Alvarez

    Francisco Alvarez


    Hands down the best chocolate chip cookie in Ottawa and so far that I have ever tasted. Extremely rich and buttery I suspect which makes this my special treat. Breads are incredibly as well and you really can not go wrong with any of the baked choices. Add that to their very friendly service, you have a recipe for success.

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