Cineplex Cinemas Varsity and VIP de Toronto

CanadaCineplex Cinemas Varsity and VIP


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55, Bloor Street West, M4W 1A5, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 416-961-6304
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6695695, Longitude: -79.3886079

commentaires 5

  • en

    Lizzie I


    very old school feel but not in a good way, seats are packed in and hard to see the screen. Good luck if you are in a busy movie even being able to focus on the screen, since it is so packed if you have any people around you eating you will find it super distracting. Tryout the Cineplex in Etobicoke instead - heaps of leg room and tiered seating so you can actually see the screen

  • en

    Rupert Altschuler


    A convenient location at the Manulife Building at Bay and Blood. The complex offers discounted parking after 6pm weekdays and all day on weekends and holidays. Please bring your parking ticket since you'LL have to validate it at the theatre. The cinema has VIP as well as regular showings. The waiting area has a convenient lounge with access to coffees, frozen yogurts, regular theatre food and a full service bar. Easy access to PATH and to the Yonge & Bloor subway station.

  • en

    Jane Johansen


    Nice theater conveniently located in Manulife building. Staff friendly. Line ups move quickly and there's a plethora of self-serve machines at the front which is useful on busy nights. Clean. Small theatres.

  • en

    Bentley Ball


    It's a good theatre, but I didn't find it exceptional. The VIP theatres have better seats, but smaller screens. Unless it's a movie event, it really does feel like it might be a better idea to pour a glass of wine, add Netflix, and chill.

  • es

    Jesus armando Carranco ruiz


    Porque vieron a mi hermano

Cinéma la plus proche

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