Cineplex de Toronto



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2300, Yonge Street, M4P 1E4, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 416-544-1236
site web:
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Latitude: 43.7073422, Longitude: -79.3987372

commentaires 5

  • Alex S

    Alex S


    The VIP theaters here are great. Fully reclining seats, tons of space for people to walk through in front, big screen, plus all the other perks of a VIP ticket. Even the pre-show bar area is nicely done. There are multiple spaces where you can have a drink or have a snack while watching the game before the movie. Nice views out to Yonge/Eglinton as well.

  • Martin Holder

    Martin Holder


    Great convenient location but he staff missed several things. 1/ The ability to upgrade or upsell many of my friends to the premium seats that vibrate. 2/ Some of those seats badly needed cleaning. We were not sure if we were seating on split drinks or urine. 3/ We waited far too long in line for to get our tickets. Only one cashier was working.

  • en

    Daniel Shiff


    All these movie theaters are the same. It's exactly what you'd expect. Perhaps the biggest compliment I can give is that both the theater and the washroom were clean. What more do you need to know? Good viewing experience.

  • Dave Go

    Dave Go


    Service was standard Everything seemed pretty clean Staff were nice There was one girl who was sweeping the floors. I noticed her start sweeping the top of a table with her broom and that grossed me out. What are the chances of that broom having swept a washroom?

  • McGregor Townley

    McGregor Townley


    Absolutely love the VIP theater. No children is the only way to watch movies. The seats are huge and recline at the touch of a button. The in seat service is ok but it ends before the movie starts so you need to arrive a bit ahead of time to make use of it. Avx theater is also great. I'm not sure I can go back to a regular screen now.

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