Imagine Cinemas Market Square de Toronto

CanadaImagine Cinemas Market Square



🕗 horaire

80 Front St. East, at Jarvis, Toronto, ON M5E 1T4, CanadĂĄ
contact téléphone: +1 416-214-7006
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.649329, Longitude: -79.3725737

commentaires 5

  • Chelsea Carrasco

    Chelsea Carrasco


    I freakin love this place - come here to watch scary movies and you won’t be disappointed. It’s kind of retro and creepy and makes the movie that much more fun! The prices are actually reasonable and don’t break the bank like cineplex does, and this theatre tends to get the big blockbuster movies sooner than its Carlton cinema counterpart. Sometimes even while the movie is playing in the big theatres. It’s never too busy, I just love it so much and really hope it doesn’t go out of business! ❀

  • Amber Evans

    Amber Evans


    I love this theater because it's cheap. That being said, the cheaper ticket prices also means less quality. This place needs some serious redecorating but it's works well and The staff is friendly. The theaters are located downstairs so you might have some phone reception issues. I've been there a few times and on two occasions there were problems with the screens. One had a bright white dot that would appear in the middle and the other looked like someone had taken their buttery popcorn hands onto the screen. I told the staff about it but haven't been back yet to see of they were fixed. Even though it needs an update, it's still a good place to go to see movies for cheaper than the cineplex price.

  • en

    Keith Williams


    What a perfect throwback to the cinemas of my youth. Everything about this place is charming and it's cheap cheap cheap! The most striking quality however is the skill with which the popcorn masters butter the popcorn. They do a two stage buttering with a series of subtle shakes throughout. I have never seen such a technically sophisticated popcorn service in my life.

  • edgar moreno

    edgar moreno


    Muy buen cine. Es accesible para ir a ver una pelĂ­cula vas a lo que vas. Es sencillo no tiene grandes lujos, las salas de cine son chicas y las butacas no tan cĂłmodas, pero cumple con la funciĂłn principal y por un precio mas bajo a los demĂĄs. De limpieza y servicio estĂĄ bien, es normal. Recomendable para una visita rĂĄpida y ver alguna buena pelĂ­cula sin subtĂ­tulos:)

  • Donavan LoForte

    Donavan LoForte


    Neighbourly, sticky, inexpensive, cough, stairs. ~~ Vecinal, pegajosa, de bajo costo, tos, escaleras.

Cinéma la plus proche

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