Jackman Hall de Toronto

CanadaJackman Hall


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317, Dundas Street West, M5T 1G4, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 877-225-4246
site web: ago.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6539547, Longitude: -79.3914534

commentaires 5

  • Andy Ho

    Andy Ho


    Comfortable seat. Nice theater

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    Reuven Avinery


    Enjoyed the cinema theater.

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    Sarita Colvin


    Enjoyed TBFF while there! Seats were comfy and sound was good. Next time I'll spend more time at AGO.

  • Val Ess

    Val Ess


    Small, clean and comfortable theatre located below the main gallery upstairs. May be a bit tricky to find (Go down the ramp near the sculpture outside the gallery, and enter through side doors that indicate volunteer entry only). Art documentaries, arthouse films and biopics are often shown here. A cafeteria is located near the gallery but usually closes soon before the evening showtimes.

  • Travels With Bruce

    Travels With Bruce


    Good comfortable seating with great sight lines. Large screen

Cinéma la plus proche

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