The Royal de Toronto

CanadaThe Royal


pas d'information

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608, College Street, M6G 1B4, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 416-466-4400
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6552077, Longitude: -79.4144814

commentaires 5

  • en

    jill tilley


    Great cinema! The staff are incredible, the seats are comfy and the movies are wonderful.

  • en

    Terry Hopkins


    It was really good here, but our row was a little dirty. I didn't mind but my wife did a little. We'll go back because it was a pretty cool place.

  • Rob W.

    Rob W.


    A great theatre! This is a classic theatre in all of its glory. Big cushy seats big screen and wonderful arcitecture. We saw the breakfast club here just to put some retro icing on top. Everyone needs to support these little tears before they are gone. You must see a movie here!

  • en

    Ed N


    Beautiful theatre showing a wide range of movies, often with special appearances by actors, directors, drag queens...amazing entertainment all around. The programmers at the Royal are amazing with huge creative talent. The best popcorn of any movie theatre I haven't been to at reasonable prices makes it worthy the drive in from well west of Toronto for me.

  • en

    Aron B.


    Amazing indie theatre! Went for the Blood in the Snow film festival and it was great. Love the old school feel for it. Popcorn was fresh and more reasonably priced than Cineplex. Staff was friendly a d always willing to help. Check out their schedule, they've got a great slate of 90s/00s films and programs. Definitely going to go back!

Cinéma la plus proche

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