Quality Inn i Barrie

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaQuality Inn



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55, Hart Drive, L4N 5M3, Barrie, Simcoe County, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 705-734-9500
internet side: www.qualityinnbarrie.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 44.3796722, Longitude: -79.7090053

kommentar 5

  • Terry Mercury

    Terry Mercury


    Convenient location, close to the highway. Room prices were average. Rooms are big and have a fridge and microwave.

  • en

    Tim Manery


    Old hotel. Rude staff. Expensive for what you get.

  • Erin T

    Erin T


    You get what you pay for here, the room they initially gave us smelled so strongly of chemical cleaning products we both had headaches within a few minutes inside, completely unbearable. Staff were good about switching us to a new room, which smelled like cigarettes but was still more tolerable. If we had put up more of a stink (tehehe) we maybe eventually would have found a room that didn't smell... either way the staff was pleasant and the included breakfast was decent. Can't complain much for the low price so 3 stars.

  • en

    Ian Butterworth


    It's a basic hotel. Room was comfortable, and had all the standard amenities you would expect. Served my purposes as a last minute overnight stay while on vacation.

  • chris chew

    chris chew


    Room was sufficient. You could use the USB port on the TV. Fridge in the room. Let us leave a vehicle in the parking lot past check out so we could do the activity we had planned and not need to worry about the security of the vehicle. That was very nice of them and made the stay more enjoyable.

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