Four Points by Sheraton Barrie i Barrie

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CanadaFour Points by Sheraton Barrie



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60, Bryne Drive, L4N 9Y4, Barrie, Simcoe County, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 705-733-8989
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.3552744, Longitude: -79.6957684

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ali McDermott


    Excellent service. Great hotel to stay in. Well appointed and close to everything in Barrie. Louise Pugsley was very effervescent and always there to provide assistance. Would defintely come back. Loved the hotel!! She deserves to be promoted within the company as she is always aware of the hotel guests needs!

  • en

    Sara Comeau-Martel


    The placeis nice and service is good. The food is not super fresh but still good. They have a little gym and a nice pool. Spa and jazzuci too. Its a relaxing hotel no noise. Liked the ambience

  • David Lee

    David Lee


    I often stay at the Four Points Sheraton in Thorold when I visit St Catharines for work. So I thought I would give their Barrie location a try and I was not disappointed. Clean room, comfy bed, friendly staff and a saltwater pool made the stay very enjoyable. Would highly recommend it to anybody.

  • Irina Kolesnikov

    Irina Kolesnikov


    Very nice and clean place. Stuff is extra thoughtful. Room was clean and shiny. The biggest problem was the noise. Walls are thin so you hear every toilet's flashing. Enjoyed my stay.

  • en

    Emily Hope


    Really liked this hotel. My room was on the ground floor, right next to the restaurant and the front desk, and I did not have any issues with noise; it was very quiet. The bed is amazing - very comfortable. Breakfasts at the hotel are very reasonably priced. Finally, the gym is well appointed and clean.

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