Hampton Inn & Suites by Hilton Barrie i Barrie

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaHampton Inn & Suites by Hilton Barrie



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74, Bryne Drive, L4N 9Y4, Barrie, Simcoe County, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 705-719-9666
internet side: hamptoninn3.hilton.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 44.3541126, Longitude: -79.6951902

kommentar 5

  • Yannick Gallerneault

    Yannick Gallerneault


    Very clean hotel, staff is nice and courteous. Location is good, very close to the highway. There is a pool and hot tub. The breakfast is nice as well. Exactly what you would expect from a Hampton Inn. I will stay here again.

  • en

    Michael Bruce


    Absolutely scintillating. Modern decoration, very clean. Recent renovations by pool, breakfast included and 24 hr coffee. Staff was very friendly, very helpful, and answered all questions I had. More than recommended as a staycation spot in Barrie, despite the 2 star rating. Will definitely be returning again!

  • en

    John Dardarian


    Great hotel! We come to Barrie at least once a month and have stayed at a few different hotels in town. This is one of the best we've stayed at, staff are very friendly and helpful, rooms are clean and spacious, no microwave but have fridge and coffee maker and the other usual amenities. 24 hour coffee and tea in the lobby and if you use the Hilton App you don't even need to stop at the front counter when you get here. Will definitely be back.

  • Sean O'Hare

    Sean O'Hare


    We really enjoyed our stay. The room was large and modern, the rate was very reasonable, included a free breakfast, and parking. The beds were comfortable, pillows a bit lumpy, rooms were clean, and hotel was busy but quite. There was a large pool and nice hot tub. The staff really seemed to like their jobs as they were friendly, spoke to us, and coo'd over our baby. The breakfast was pretty good for a hotel included breakfast. We would happily stay again.

  • en

    Raul Manzano


    Cozy hotel. Good breakfast selection, although it would be nice to have vegetarian option for eggs. Rooms are clean and spacious, I had a 2QB suite, very nice. Had fridge, microwave and a small sink. Perfect for a short stay. Staff is attentive and friendly.

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