Comfort Inn & Suites i Barrie

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaComfort Inn & Suites



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210, Essa Road, L4N 3L1, Barrie, Simcoe County, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 705-721-1122
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.3651677, Longitude: -79.6958355

kommentar 5

  • K Jacobson

    K Jacobson


    Good, basic accommodation close to the 400. Comfortable bed, if a bit creaky. Fair bit of hallway noise through the door & walls, but the all-day coffee is a nice touch.

  • Maxine Tubbe

    Maxine Tubbe


    This is the second time I've stayed here. We had good experiences both times. Clean and comfortable room. Room: Comfortable beds. White linens with lots of pillows. Quiet. Pool was nice. Hot tub was hot and had awesome jets for a good back massage. Breakfast was included. Good variety for a small buffet. Included eggs, home fries, sausage patties, two waffle makers with two flavours of batter (plain and blueberry) Good value overall. I wouldn't hesitate to stay here again.

  • en

    Lisa Dupuis


    We ended up having to stay at a hotel so we dropped in and we got a great price for a wonderful room with 2 bed and a pull out couch. The room was so beautiful and comfy. We all enjoyed our stay and what made it better the beds where super comfy. I had no problems sleeping and I am usually picky about sleeping in a different bed. This was the best hotel Experience ever. The free breakfast was really good too. You got to make your own and the food was really good. If you plan on staying here please do. You wont regret it. I would stay here again :)

  • en

    Laurie Gast


    We stayed family day weekend on Essa Drive. It’s not a luxury hotel but we were looking for good prices and accommodations for 5. The room was a great layout and comfortable very beds. I want to compliment the breakfast lady and front desk lady. They deserve a medal for how many people they fed breakfast to and how ungrateful and rude many of the guests were. They were patient and responded gracefully to these rude, inpatient people. They did the hotel proud with so many people coming through!!!!

  • Alice Lu

    Alice Lu


    Booked through the hotel s website. Stayed here on weekend so that i could go skiing and have friends visit . Loved it. Room and bathroom were very clean and had no odour. Furniture was new. Heating worked well. Plenty of towels. My visitors liked the room too. Breakfast was great. Noise was not an issue. I will stay here again and I would recommend to friends and family.

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