Best Western Plus Barrie i Barrie

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaBest Western Plus Barrie



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35, Hart Drive, L4N 5M3, Barrie, Simcoe County, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 705-721-4848
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.38008, Longitude: -79.7084114

kommentar 5

  • Adam Morris-Page

    Adam Morris-Page


    I had the two queen suite for the evening. I enjoyed having a separate room away from the doorway as I am a light sleeper and hallway noise can wake me up. With that being said I didn't hear much of anything even when in the living room. The rooms were nice and modern. They had multiple outlets on the nightstands for my devices.

  • Paul McIntosh

    Paul McIntosh


    Quick, clean, affordable and easy. We didn't have time to check out all they had to offer but was pleased with the value we received from the money.

  • Kathi Lukasik

    Kathi Lukasik


    Just back from an overnight stay at the Best Western Barrie. HIGHLY recommend this hotel. Staff were super friendly and helpful ~ hotel and rooms were very clean and updated ~ bed very comfortable ~ and breakfast excellent!!! Will definitely stay there again.

  • en

    Melinda Cook


    Very clean and modern! The staff was very friendly. Rate was pretty standard. Loved having access to our vehicle with the patio doors. Beds were very comfy. Although we didn't have time for breakfast, it looked delicious! Very wide range of hot and cold foods. Couldn't have asked for a better place to stay.

  • en

    Judy Reid


    Our stay was absolutely perfect. We finished early with our medical appointment and accommodated with early check in. We have stayed a few times and full satisfaction. Arlene and staff very pleasant. The room was spotless everything looked fresh and smelt clean, loved the decor. Location so convenient to go south or north on the 400. So nice that breakfast is included lots of choice everything fresh and hot and being able to take it to your room a real bonus. I highly recommend this hotel no other place for us in Barrie. A big thank you to Arlene and staff. We look forward to our next stay.

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