Long Tall Sally i Ottawa

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CanadaLong Tall Sally



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60, Queen Street, K1P 5Y7, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-238-1407
internet side: www.longtallsally.com
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Latitude: 45.4226943, Longitude: -75.6955895

kommentar 5

  • David Lewis

    David Lewis


    My wife and daughters shop there by necessity, not choice. Both are tall. Several years ago, an older staff member, who should have been fired, made racist comments towards my daughter as she was using her tax card - we are indigenous. She was rude and backtalked about her to her co-worker in French. Good move in a bilingual town. Ps. My daughter is bilingual. Staff person still employed, and when we complained to head office, we recieved nothing but blah, blah.

  • Nicoleta Stoian

    Nicoleta Stoian


    I love that they cater to tall people, but they are overpriced. You have to go when there is a sale. I also find that their sizes are way off and it is hard to find smaller sizes at this store.

  • Marleah Corbin

    Marleah Corbin


    Items are pricey because it classifies as a specialty store but if you have long legs and/or long arms you won't be disappointed in the clothing options. Also they have sales often so this helps with the price.

  • Stacy DuBois

    Stacy DuBois


    This is a nice specialty shop for us taller ladies but I did find the salespeople on the floor to be too aggressive. As I walked around the store I had to repeatedly tell different people that I was just browsing and that no, I didn't need any help just yet. It was fine the first couple of times but after being asked if I needed help for the 8th time (no exaggeration) I started getting irritated. Other than that, the prices and selection are alright. I find the styles tend to be more geared towards older women but there are a few pieces in there that are trendier for younger people.

  • en

    Lisa L


    Super friendly and helpful staff without being too hovering or in your face! Good selection of clothes, although a little pricy but that's too be expected from a specialty store. Their computers kept freezing and it took us quite a while to actually check out but that was not the staff's fault.

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