Brandy Melville - Sandy Hill i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaBrandy Melville - Sandy Hill



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Rideau Centre, 50 Rideau St 0110, Ottawa, ON K1N 9J7, Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-422-6852
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4252597, Longitude: -75.6918782

kommentar 5

  • Linda Dam

    Linda Dam


    Store seemed understaffed the last time I stopped by but the sales associate was friendly and asked if I needed help finding anything. The sweaters are super comfy and it's easy to find American patriotic items here such as baseball caps and tees. In particular, I recommend trying on the clothes before buying since they are 'one size fits most' so your milage may vary.

  • en

    Jess C


    I go to the physical store since online shopping isn’t an option, but the employees here are very unapprochable. Whenever i’m in the store, i feel judged and I have never been greeted or offered help. They all stand there and talk to each other. They are quite aware of their poor customer service though, since last time I was there, they were talking about their Google reviews.

  • Meghan Balfour

    Meghan Balfour


    All the employees are always rude and they do nothing to help. They talk about customers and make everybody feel bad about themselves. They’re always extremely disrespectful.

  • en

    Katrina Chicquen élève


    my experiences at brandy melville have never been good. i always shop there and every time i go the staff are always rude, never helpful and extremely judgmental. it’s really arrogant and degrading and doesn’t send off a positive message to young girls just trying to shop for clothes. the employees talk about customers in the store which is highly disrespectful. i go to this store minimum once a month and every time i have issues with these workers.

  • Milena A

    Milena A


    Staff are kinda rude and everything is expensive. Cute clothes but one size does not fit all :/

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