Fancy Sox i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaFancy Sox



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50 RIDEAU St. Unit#356, Ottawa, ON K1N 9J7, Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-230-7439
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.425184, Longitude: -75.691892

kommentar 5

  • Angie maracle

    Angie maracle


    Beware the quality. Two years ago I purchased tights for $21.00 and they lasted that length of time. Awesome. However I purchased new tights last week and upon wearing a pair for under three hours have a hole- they are the correct size and I did not catch them on any thing, they just started to fray. Called the store and they're not willing to exchange or anything these tights were $25.00. I would strongly suggest research the items in this store for quality before considering buying and you might be better off going elsewhere to begin with.

  • en

    alexys provencher


    The staff is wonderful and professional. They sell amazing quality products and I know I can trust them to give me what i need. Their range of products is simply amazing and I love the service.

  • Michelle Rabay

    Michelle Rabay


    I've had great shopping experiences at Fancy Sox, there is a wide selection of products. The staff is also very welcoming and provided me with great customer service.

  • Megan Groh

    Megan Groh


    I've purchased from this store many times, the women who help me are very professional and give great advice. Bought nylons and tights that last multiple wears thanks to these lovely ladies! Will definitely continue to shop there.

  • Doris



    The best selection of Hosiery and socks (including men) in town! Service was excellent, sales person answered all my needs. I found designer hosiery that are not found in any other stores in Ottawa!

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