RUDSAK i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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50, Rideau Street, K1N 9J7, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-714-0818
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.425098, Longitude: -75.69125

kommentar 5

  • en

    It's Moi


    Expected much more from a company after spending nearly $1000. Customer service is pleasant on the phone but real solutions are not given and it ends up being an "oh well..." type of situation. Do better Rudsak...

  • Shannon Milling

    Shannon Milling


    Rudsak uses real fur from tortured animals. It's incredibly heartbreaking that they haven't evolved from promoting this byproduct of suffering.

  • en

    Lisa Bourque


    They don't take Indian Tax Exempt.....Shame!

  • en

    Patricia Dunberry


    Very bad return policy, unpleasant salespersons, unilingual salespersons. Considering the numerous other options, I will never go back to that store again.

  • en

    Joey T


    I just want to warn everyone about this companies return policy. They have a final sale policy on all products purchased at the store and will not refund whatsoever. Do your due diligence check there YELP reviews before you purchase, as many customers have had issues with this company. There customer service will not help you as well! Your better off to shop at the competitors (Simons, Nordstrom) with way better service and a peace of mind.

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