Nordstrom Rideau Centre i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaNordstrom Rideau Centre



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50, Rideau Street, K1N 9J7, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-567-7005
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4245311, Longitude: -75.6901067

kommentar 5

  • Emma



    The customer service is very bad... I don't know what it is with these big stores, but they are like ghost stores, with random worker there who seem either as lost as you are or very annoyed because you waked them up. They offer a large selection of high end brands though.

  • Linda Dam

    Linda Dam


    Nordstrom sets the bar high for excellent customer service. Shoutouts to Nito and Cathy in the jewelry department for being very helpful and knowledgeable.

  • fr

    Bozhidara Uzunova


    Très , très déçu de mascara que j'ai acheté chez Nordstrom. En essayant dans le magasin j'étais satisfaites (produit DIOR). Quelques jours plus tard, quand je l'ai ouvert , j'ai vu que le contenu est sec. Je conseille fortement , quand vous faites les achats vérifiez bien avant!

  • en

    William Chen


    Great experience every time! For this particular experience, I bought a pair of boots that turned out to be defective. Nordstrom exchanged them for me no problem, instead of forcing me to deal with the manufacturer. Great customer service and amazing staff. Thank you!

  • en

    Jj J


    I had a really good experience at Nordstrom. The tall man with the shoulder length wavy brown hair did a excellent job with trying to help me with what shoes I need. He brought out a few shoes for me to try that he thought I might like. And before I tried them on he would explain the brand and who they were. That was the first time I have ever had that kind of service. He is on a class on his own. He was very knowledgeable. He is a very awesome sales guy and he knows what he is doing. Very polite and cool accent. I was also browsing around the jewelry section. The lady staff with a hijab came to ask me if I needed any help. I said no and she left me alone. There are great people working at Nordstrom.

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