Bella Bella Boutique i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaBella Bella Boutique


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240, Bank Street, K2P 1X4, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canadá
kontakter telefon: +1 613-569-4000
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Latitude: 45.4164676, Longitude: -75.6975054

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    Un usuario de Google


    I wonder if the Better Business Bureau gives a strike for rudeness because I am definitely considering giving them a call. In fact, it somewhat amazes me how a retail operation manages to successfully stay open without a wink of customer service. I called Bella Boutique today because I wanted to bring in some clothes for them (silly me contributing to this ridiculous establishment) and needed to inquire about their hours of operation. When I called, I was not able to get a word in before I was abruptly told they were closed (which begs the question, why answer the phone then?) and then hung up on. Yes you read that right, hung up on - just like in high school. You would think in this economy every customer counts. I guess they're rich over at the Bella Boutique and don't need anyone's business. If you're looking to do business with a Mickey Mouse establishment, then I recommend you call Bella Boutique. If you're looking for quality service with friendly appreciation for its customers, I suggest you go elsewhere.

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