Tim Hortons de Saskatoon

CanadaTim Hortons



🕗 horaire

619, 22 Street West, S7M 0B8, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA CanadĂĄ
contact téléphone: +1 306-665-7088
site web: locations.timhortons.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.1284712, Longitude: -106.6794562

commentaires 5

  • Robert Loren

    Robert Loren


    Like I need to tell ya lol good coffee grab and go

  • Lemmy de Boer

    Lemmy de Boer


    It's Timmies what can one say. The service here is iffy depending on who's working. Sometimes it is so spot on you remember why Timmies is awesome other times it makes you swear it off and go back to McDonalds just for some consistency.

  • en

    Jenelle Bossy


    Super ghetto. Rude. They think everyone is a junky. You can't go in there and be left alone. Some weirdo will come up harassing you for whatever. They let all these weirdos linger which makes it very sketchy to go for coffee there. I love timmies but this place made me mad at how I was treated. I will not leave my bag with them unless they are going to be liable for whatever might be lost or stolen.i was asked to leave my bag before I used their washroom... annoying

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    jesse H


    They constantly mess up simple coffee orders. DD with caramel ordered but 3/4 of tge time they forget the caramel shot or the sugar

  • en

    Tracy Gnip


    Sad when you go into the resteraunt... I count 8 staff behind the counter and it takes almost 8 minutes to take my order. Only to find a table and every single table is dirty. Just gross and terrible customer service

Café la plus proche

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