Caswell Hill Cafe de Saskatoon

CanadaCaswell Hill Cafe



🕗 horaire

210, Avenue H North, S7L 6B6, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA CanadĂĄ
contact téléphone: +1 306-974-9977
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.1313225, Longitude: -106.6807972

commentaires 5

  • en

    ryan killoh


    Awful. Panini was made with bologna and cheese slices. $30.00 for 2 breakfasts. Not like it used to be. I'm still angry

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    Brittany Glackin


    If i could give this place negative stars, I would. It has new owners now. What we thought was the old sports bar cafe is now the worst Asian restaurant ever. The waitress didn't speak English at all. Literally didn't know what soup was. Once we pointed at what we wanted on the menu we waited over half an hour for our food. One of which didn't show up until everyone else at the table was done eating. The chicken was raw in the chicken burger. He service was terrible and we will never be returning.

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    Randy Harvey


    Decent. Cosy. Young staff eager to learn. I miss old owners. Chuck and Wendy...

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    Minna McLeod


    They have a friendly atmosphere. You get your money's worth.

  • John Smith

    John Smith


    Welcoming atmosphere, excellent service and quality food. Would be happy to eat here again.

Café la plus proche

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