Collective Coffee de Saskatoon

CanadaCollective Coffee



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220, 20th Street West, S7M 0W9, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.12627, Longitude: -106.6725421

commentaires 5

  • en

    Sandra Miller


    Such a wonderful place. The coffee is amazing, the staff and service is the best, and they are very conscientious in their business.

  • Yvonne Desjarlais

    Yvonne Desjarlais


    Great local coffee shop! As an out of town visitor I was super excited to come across this coffee shop, and have now made it a priority every time that I visit Saskatoon. The staff are super friendly and helpful with recommendations. The menu has the classic espresso based drinks, so it is smaller than the mainstream coffee shops, but everything is done to perfection! On my last visit I tried the Vanilla latte which uses their in house made Vanilla syrup - it wasn't too sweet and the flavors were amazing!

  • en

    Mark Petrasanta


    Excellent latte. Decore adds to the vibe. Friendly staff. Small area, however they do make effective use of the space. Walking in, gave me a sense of familiarity of how the experience will play out. I was not dissapointed for sure. It is walking distance from downtown. I would for sure return when im in town again.

  • en

    Joseph Bolton


    A fantastic place to get work done. They have great coffee (some of the best in Saskatoon), tons of seating, and are located in a cool neighborhood. The only criticism I have for them, is that their baked goods are less than great, both in selection and quality.

  • en

    Cam R


    Cozy... but almost too cozy. Took a friend there for coffee and had to get it to go due to very limited seating. Kind of defeats the purpose of taking someone out for coffee when you can’t sit and talk. Coffee is good, but probably won’t be back.

Café la plus proche

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