Botté Chai Bar de Saskatoon

CanadaBotté Chai Bar



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Avenue B South, S7M 5X6, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 306-281-8000
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.1280963, Longitude: -106.672036

commentaires 5

  • en

    jonathan zeiler


    My favourite place in Saskatoon! Great customer service. The food quality is the freshest, open until midnight. I can’t say enough.

  • Bati Nisi

    Bati Nisi


    Tea lovers, this is your place to go, also they have amazing treats. My #1 house made baklava, so good! Beautiful and relaxing environment, very kind and amiable service

  • en

    Terrence Kaushik


    Super chill vibe. Tea was amazing and so many dessert options. Owner is super cool and open late. Would definitely recommend checking this place out!

  • Ian Parenteau

    Ian Parenteau


    We went in for tea and dessert, my wife had Persian traditional (came in a cup) with a little packaged nougat type candy with pistachio), I had Beetroot tea (came in a small pot) both were delicious and somewhat unusual. The roll cake dessert was not excessively sweet and was good too. About $16 with taxes. NOTE location is "hidden" from the street, walk to center of building then turn right!

  • Ramtin Parsi

    Ramtin Parsi


    Delicious, amazing food. Friendly service and extraordinary pastry. You can taste how fresh everything is. Don't forget tea, they have amazing tea to go with your pastry.

Café la plus proche

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