Sport Chek Midtown Plaza de Saskatoon

CanadaSport Chek Midtown Plaza



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201, 1 Avenue South, S7K 1J9, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 306-955-7733
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.1275247, Longitude: -106.6666825

commentaires 5

  • en

    s k


    to the 2 pre-Madonna attitude gals working at the front counter at about 3 o’clock this afternoon. even if you were pretty that would not be a good attitude , I merely asked a question there was no need to take the shoe box and throw it so hard that your whole front end echo d from the loudness of it. seriously if you do not like your job you should not be working in customer service because that’s what it’s all about treat people with respect I understand it’s probably your first job and you don’t know how to properly treat customers a smile and a hello it’s always a really good start So when I ask you a question and both at the same time blurt out a big NO without even hearing me out. Then taking the product I was going to buy and throwing it so hard against the wall behind the counter as I was walking out I thought a earthquake had hit take it easy girls Even if you were something other than a front desk employee it would not have been an acceptable way to treat somebody or yourselfs. I would have given this experience a zero* but it did not allow me so sadly I have to at least give this a one star .. I just figured I would post this awful experience so your manager knows what’s going on there , cheers and see you never.

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    Taryn Garew


    Least helpful individuals, rude, I immediately left and went to another shop because of the terrible service.

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    Dana O'Soup


    I called to ask if the store had Oakley sandals. The manager transferred me to the shoe department. I was on hold for 45 minutes before I finally gave up. Just gonna order the sandals from the website.

  • Arjun Damodar

    Arjun Damodar


    A great collection of sports equipment, shoes and jackets.

  • David Mahmood

    David Mahmood


    I had bought a badminton racket on line and had got it strung at the store. Unfortunately the racket got broken during the process. Ian Kirk the manger at the string shop was extremely helpful in not only replacing the racket but also very apologetic.I was very pleased with the service provided. Dr. Jan Mahmood

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