lululemon de Saskatoon




🕗 horaire

118, 21st Street East, S7K 0B6, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 306-651-8858
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.1275885, Longitude: -106.665463

commentaires 5

  • Adon Gardner

    Adon Gardner


    Store feels very clean and is well organized. They also have very friendly staff, had a nice conversation with one of the staff working there the day I visited

  • Travis Scott

    Travis Scott


    For skinny people only. It is what it is. The clothing is expensive but decent quality. Staff are nice tho! Guys clothes are limited and few, not made for the average Canadian guy but the girls like it. The prices are high tho but that doesn't seem to affect their sales from the usual store

  • Kirah N

    Kirah N


    Very friendly staff and in a very convenient location. Love the sale rack!

  • Natalie Ortynsky

    Natalie Ortynsky


    Worst lululemon ever. I bought a shirt in Regina and had the receipt and they wouldn't price match the amount. So disappointing considering how much business I've given them over the years.

  • Epic Dance Complex

    Epic Dance Complex


    As a dance teacher/studio owner, I practically live in Lululemon. I especially love the High Times pants (leggings). They are high rise and fitted so my students can see my legs and understand what we are working on.

Magasin de chaussures la plus proche

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