Golden Arches Orthotics & Wellness Ltd de Saskatoon

CanadaGolden Arches Orthotics & Wellness Ltd



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727, 22 Street West, S7M 0R6, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 306-291-2717
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.1288748, Longitude: -106.6808356

commentaires 3

  • en

    Kelly B


    I bought some insoles from him made me feel worse with unbearable pain I've to another place and found out I dont even need them on top of that he was selling and still might sell sabah snake grass tea witch is suppose to treat a number of things witch suposely is for cancer to prevent it me and my spouse ended up major stomach pain like infection symptoms on the stomach and joint pains I would not recommend this company the pain and suffering is not worth it he's not even a real Dr.

  • Rachelle Chin

    Rachelle Chin


    When I decided I had to do something about my aching feet, a family member suggested Golden Arches because she had orthotics that really help her. The guy was really helpful and explained exactly what was going on, the structure of my arches. There was a scan to see the difference from left to right. Pretty cool. It took a little bit to get them custom made and ordered in but when they came, I started wearing them like he told me (gradually increasing the time). I think I over did it a few times and wasn't too sure about them so I called Golden Arches to try and return them because I wasn't sure I liked them. They were really nice and told me I had give it a longer try, since it is an adjustment for the feet, I guess. It was like a 2-3 mos trial period, and guess what?! By then I did really like them! Now, if I don't wear them on my shifts, my feet ache! When I do have them on I'm great. It was definitely worth it!

  • en

    Jack Guenther


    My wife and I purchase orthotics in Feb 2015, she likes hers, my feet hurt really bad, I asked for a refund, but was told that I had to wait 45 days, before a refund, I mailed the free shoes, and othotics to Saskatoon, and a letter asking tor refund on June 10 th, now I am told it has to happen within 100 days to get a refund. I am not happy about it. Jack

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