Reliable Parts de Winnipeg

CanadaReliable Parts



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860 Century Street, Winnipeg, MB R3H 0M5, Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 800-941-9217
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Latitude: 49.903627, Longitude: -97.202595

commentaires 5

  • Darryl Knight

    Darryl Knight


    Service was there for my BBQ but for a burner.. I couldn't get the part. I'm trying to buy local and a new BBQ should not have to be in the works. Charbroil is a trusted name

  • Lara Minocha

    Lara Minocha


    When my lower fridge-tray broke, they had the part in stock. These guys are pretty much the only people who did. They were nice on the phone and good to me when I came to their store. I gave them 3-stars only based on price... because I think their prices are too high. They charged me $50.00 for my fridge part, when other on-line sellers in Canada were only $35.00. (In the USA the same part is just $14.00). Not sure why the pricing is so far out between countries, (currency exchange, US to Canada border duty, and more excise taxes here in Canada - I guess), we sure pay through the nose here in Canada. Anyway, the part fit and my fridge is fixed good again. Just wish that I didn't have to pay 250% more than the United States, just because I live in CANADA.

  • Pepper Johnson

    Pepper Johnson


    Great, Jason at the counter was informative and helpful. Was able to answer questions about a few other manufacturers that they don't carry but can get parts for. Would buy from again.

  • William R. Grossberndt

    William R. Grossberndt


    I’m always happier when I learn that the part I need can be sourced at Reliable. If it’s a very unusual part it may have to be ordered, but a week or two later the call comes and sure enough- it’s exactly the right part at a decent price. And the counter folks are friendly and helpful to deal with.

  • Annelies



    Ordered a hose for my A/C unit around mid-late June. First, was told it would be in within the week. Didn't hear from them. Called back in and was told it would be taking another week. Waited.. called back and then told it would be another couple of weeks. That time goes by so I contacted this place again and was then told the wrong piece was ordered and it would be another couple of weeks. That time goes by and I was now told the piece was in. Go down in person just to find out the wrong piece was ordered again! Could not believe the poor customer service experienced via call centre or in person. No one showed empathy or tried to make anything right. I wasted almost all of my summer waiting on this place to bring in one piece and then ended up getting nothing in the end of it. An all around horrible experience with UNreliable Parts.

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