Bed Bath & Beyond de Winnipeg

CanadaBed Bath & Beyond



🕗 horaire

140-600, Empress Street, R3G 0R5, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 204-775-0049
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.8873181, Longitude: -97.196812

commentaires 5

  • Mercedes Jayne

    Mercedes Jayne


    I came in to buy several household items, but they had a strong artificial scent being pumped in by some humidifier on display. It gave me an instant migraine and I had to leave and go home immediately to take medication to avoid days of suffering as a result. Never stepping foot in another of these stores again!

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    So cool! And they have as seen on tv products.

  • Delbert Brown

    Delbert Brown


    I was in this store today and had to leave. They had about 15 defusers running and the smell was intolerable I good not stand the smell it made sick.

  • Shamsher Singh

    Shamsher Singh


    Amazing service by Joanne. We wanted to buy a crib. She advised right one between two options. Also she gave 20% off without asking. She explained the process of shipping and all very nice. We felt comfortable with our purchase.

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    Elizabeth Vipond


    Fantastic! The young man, John, who was helping me spent nearly half an hour when his shift was already done diving through the back area finding folding chairs for me. You ROCK, John! Thank you!

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