Hudson's Bay de Winnipeg

CanadaHudson's Bay



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450, Portage Avenue, R3C 0E7, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 204-783-2112
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.8901722, Longitude: -97.1496084

commentaires 5

  • Blayne Robson

    Blayne Robson


    I guess the perils of being in downtown have changed the focus of this store from being customer focused to thief focused. I watched as no less than 4 staff (including 2 security) stood vigilant over who they had identified as a thief rather than help me find anything; or even let me into a change room despite repeated presses of the call button. I also couldn't figure out the elevator, and half the escalator is out of order... And quite dirty. Left without being able to make a purchase. Will not return.

  • Bernardete Siqueira

    Bernardete Siqueira


    A lots of offers! Good quality! Good Prices! Staff very friendly also!

  • Daniel Roscoe

    Daniel Roscoe


    Not so much dislike as sad melancholy. I used to work there 40 years ago, when all 6 floors were in use. It used to be an integral part of downtown and Winnipeg society, now it is literally a shell of its former self. The selection is iffy, the prices are not really competitive, I went over 2 floors looking for sales staff. The Governor's Table was one of the fanciest restaurants in Winnipeg, and now ... Well even the Orange Julius is gone. I feel like I'm visiting a dying old relative when I walk in those doors now. Sigh, time moves on for us all.

  • en

    Joven Joven


    The best department store in Winnipeg, or in Canada, I should say. They carry a lot of the best name brands in the world. Wide selection of merchandise, great finds in fashion both for men and women, from shoes, bags , accessories, clothing, cosmetics and fragrances. You'll love their home section,too. Truly a shopaholic's haven. I just love The Bay.

  • Miles Reid

    Miles Reid


    I love the bay downtown. It's dieing. I'll miss it all. The toys on the top floor, the paddlewheel restaurant, the Christmas display, the window displays, the malt shop downstairs. It's all gone. Still the best men's wear in the city. Good prices. Someone keep the building alive, somehow.

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